Thursday, March 5, 2009

Aquarium Newbie - Day 4

3/4/09 - Monitored Aquarium

Everything looks good so far, the Molly is a bit of a bully as she is always chasing and nipping the Guppy. She seems to leave the Platy's alone, probably because there are two of them that stay together. The water is still a bit cloudy but not much. I turned the temp down a degree or two so it should be hanging right at around 78F and added 1/2 tbsp of Aquarium salt to the tank in hopes that it would calm the Molly down. Seemed to actually work after about 30 minutes!

Went to Mr. Aquarium during lunch with a buddy and checked out their reef tanks and saltwater fish, very cool. I would like to eventually have a 75-100 gallon saltwater tank with live rock but that seems pretty distant considering I'm still such a beginner and have no experience with saltwater aquariums. Speaking of experience, I'll be going over to said buddy's house this weekend to help him clean out his 20 gallon saltwater tank and get the cycle going. He's had trouble keeping his Damsels alive in there and gave up a while back. Come to find out after researching the issue, he had the salinity wrong because you have to make sure the water temp is correct while mixing the sea salt prior to adding it to the tank. He was getting a false salinity reading. So hopefully he'll have better luck this time around.

Regarding my tank, I plan on doing a 15% water change this Sunday and vacuum some of the gravel with a siphon at the same time. Until then!

Here is a shot of the tank now, it's clearing up a bit.

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