Wednesday, May 27, 2009


New Ricordea Yuma frags!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Ok, no trace of any more Cyanobacteria! I still have some GHA but the diatoms have even practically disappeared. I'll post some pics later.

I was out of town over the weekend and had the fuge light on the entire time (about 3 days) with the normal light cycle. The corals' growth have been really surprising, I now have purple rims on all sides of my plating Montipora and the branching montipora has new branch growth as well. The Zoa's are now fully open and everything else is doing just as good. I have noticed more purple and green coraline growth as well since I left on Friday. This is good!

More later...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

War on Algae

Follow up, seems like the weekend did *some* good with the algae. The cyano is practically gone thank goodness, now I'm left with green hair algae all over my back wall and on that front-most and top rock. To the snails' credit, they have been really eating away at the stuff. Just seems like it is taking them forever.

Before pic w/ Cyano last week:

After pic (Oh yeah, I added some more rock with Xenia):

The waving hand Xenia seems to be doing ok, but the Pom Pom Xenia seem to be an ashy color and don't look so good. None are really 'pulsing' either. I hope they don't croak in my tank and cause an ammonia crash. :(

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tank Maintenance

Well, I've had quite the algae problem with my tank lately. It seems I've been overfeeding my Clowns and causing excess nutrients which in turn fed a colony of cyanobacteria in my display tank. Hmmm, cyano-what? Yep, the notorious red slime algae that's not an algae. It's a bacteria that can easily take over your tank and it's quite unsightly. Anyway, I noticed this about 2 weeks ago, since then I've been feeding sparingly and doing a 15% water change every other day. I blasted most of it off my rock with a turkey baster and with the addition of Chemi-Pure in the fuge area I haven't seen it come back although some still remains in the sand bed unfortunately, but it isn't growing anymore thank goodness!

This last Saturday I've added some Cheato algae to the refugium to compete with the nuisance algae in the display tank. I've also killed the lights all day Sunday after reducing the light cycle from 9 hours to 7 all last week. Hopefully this has helped out, we'll see tomorrow! I'll be posting pics as well.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hydor Korali Nano Powerhead

Well, last week I picked up a Hydor Korali Nano powerhead for the tank, I decided to go with the flow of the factory pump but I may change it up a bit later on. I really like this thing and it hits the dead spots in the tank with ease.

My corals are doing ok, the Candy Cane coral is looking a little sad today but Saturday night it had its feeders out full force to the point where it looked like a little anemone. I have it anchored near the top, about 4 inches from the surface. The Zoas are doing great, they open up all the way now and seem fairly happy. The SPS is still doing fine where I put it a few days ago. The Galaxy coral is off by itself and is still rather small but I don't want to risk it stinging any other nearby corals because those can stretch further than you'd think. I added a turbo snail last week and it has been doing much better than expected in getting rid of that hairy algae, most of it is gone!

I've actually started to see coralline growing near the bottom of my tank on the glass and a few spots in the substrate. That's a good thing! Need to maintain top off water with the calcium and alkalinity so the coralline doesn't use it all up.

I plan on checking the parameters again this evening after work and doing another water change this week, probably on Wednesday if everything is ok.

Here are a few pictures of the tank recently: