Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Aquarium Newbie - Day 3

3/3/09 - Tested water and added new fish

Here are some pictures of our setup, nothing fancy but it's a start!

Here is one that shows the lighting, notice the cloudiness of the water indicating the cycle...

After the dramatic and rather quick deaths of the 1st round of fish I took a bottle of my now 48 hour cycled water to Petsmart to have it tested. Test proved perfect! Purchased additional decor and a 50w heater. Also purchased freeze-dried bloodworms and aquarium salt for the Mollys. Went to WalMart and got a refund on first round of fish, RIP. Purchased 2 Platy's, a Dalmatian Molly and a male Guppy. Set up heater in tank to bring temp up to 78F. Added ½ tbsp of aquarium salt for the Molly. Floated fish in their bag for 15 minutes, adding tank water to bag every 5 minutes. I then moved the fish from bag to the tank one by one without letting the bag water into the aquarium. I let the fish swim around for about 1 hour then fed a very small amount of flakes and bloodworms. All fish ate eagerly which is a good sign. Need to try to not overfeed the first few weeks. They seem to be doing quite well after 2 hours in their new home. Fish were named with the help of the family...

Molly – Molly, Carly’s fish
2 Platy's – unnamed, Drake’s fish
Guppy – Charlie, Macy’s fish
2 Ghost shrimp – Jacque and FeeFee, Clay’s invertebrate’s

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