Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Updated 9 Gallon Reef Pics

Well, some of my Coraline has turned white instead of the deep purple it was, so that's kindof a bummer. But other than that things are growing and looking very nice. No algae or cyanobacteria to be seen! I keep the refugium light on growing a bundle of Chaeto back there pretty much at all times. I imagine I'll need to order some more lights here pretty quick just in case these go out anytime soon. Never can tell with stock lights...anyway, here are some pictures!

Here is the front tank shot as it sits on my desk here at work. Hard to get anything done with this thing but it sure does make for attractive decor.

My two Clownfish, kids named them Nemo 1 and Nemo 2 of course :)

These are my two SPS (Small Polyp Stony) Corals, they branch and grow all different ways. Pretty cool to watch them grow over a period of months or even weeks.

This is one of my favorites, it's called a Frogspawn, it's a LPS (Large Polyp Stony) and is pretty mean to anything that it touches.

The CandyCane LPS Coral, another one of my favorites, it will eventually split and grow into more 'heads' and branch out. It has feeder tentacles that come out of it at night, looks really cool!

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